A Message From The President of RING # 44




            Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome.  As president of this organization and with the privilege that I have of speaking on behalf of the greatest group of men that I have ever been associated with, we are honored to have you join us tonight.  Your energy and enthusiasm and dedication and loyalty to the world of boxing  is so reflected in these banquets that at times it seems on the verge of being overwhelming. The purpose of the annual banquet is well defined yet the results are inconceivable and still soaring beyond imagination.  We knew that if the great fighters of the past were going to get any kind of permanent recognition it was time to take matters into our own hands and find a way to institute this process ourselves.  The plans for re instituting the Ring # 44 fraternity included converting what was an annual dinner dance for members and friends to a Hall of Fame Banquet.  We also anticipated that a by product of an affair such as this would also serve to re unite the fighters and their families as well as to provide a sense of camaraderie and comfort and well being for the young fighters of today.  The exciting manner in which you have embraced everything has added a whole new dimension to this plan.  The most optimistic planner could not have been prepared for the response of the boxing fans and community and for that we are truly grateful.  Success, ladies and gentlemen is Òeach generation exceeding its predecessorÓ.  More and more of the young boxers of today are attending our dinner and have the opportunity to see just how compelling, secure and lasting our friendships are.  This adds motivation to their desire of exceeding their predecessor.

            That same success theory holds true with the dinner.  Each year the membership of Ring #44 takes pride in committing ourselves to providing every possible opportunity to make this new dinner the best one yet. And every year you complete the task and make it happen.   I am also very proud to say that the Western NY area boxing  community is stepping up to the table and making a fine showing to the rest of the world of the great talent that we have active today.  The managers and trainers are mirrored images of the purpose of the organization, as defined in your program book, as well as carry out the tasks that lead to the success of our reputation as a boxing community.  The people that we honor tonight have set the standards for the successes that we enjoy today. Their reputation and their history is such an inspiration that it can only be captured and truly exemplified in this wonderful environment that exists this evening. Although there are so many young fighters that are making such great sacrifices and represent the great boxing clubs across the counties, I know that I can safely say the Joe Mesi, Les Ralston, Nick Casal and Hector Allahandro are proud to emerge from the spirit and legacy of those that came before them and those of us that have remained so deeply committed.  Tonight as always we are one and united.  Thank you for coming and sharing. Please enjoy.


                                                                     Sincerely yours


                                                                        Jack Green
