Dear Members

            The next meeting is Wednesday March 7th at 700pm at FrankÕs Sunny Italy, 2491 Delaware Ave. (Corner of Tacoma) Buffalo NY. The telephone no. is (716)876-5449.

            I wish to first of all remind you that since the February meeting was cancelled the newsletter sent out which was a combination of the December and January meetings is still the most current. Consequently there is no need for an attendance record. It has already been published.

            Ladies and gentlemen, I have followed up on a long overdue needed surgery. On February 3rd, I had a hip replacement. I now have two artificial hips. My left one is twelve years old and my new one is my right hip. Even sometimes a bit of adversity in your life can be very revealing. The support and uplifting experiences that I have received from you can hardly be put into words. I know that this is the first time that many of you are finding out about this so I am very happy to report that according to all professionals involved, it has been a successful procedure. The after care however is very critical and must be followed up effectively and intensely. I am going to be limited in certain areas and under extreme caution until May 1st. The good news is that I can still participate in some capacity as long as I follow strict but important guidelines. I cannot express to you what your visits and phone calls and cards mean to me and the powerful contribution they are to assisting me in a quality recovery.  I know that positive attitudes and optimism are essential in recovery and you are great for me in that area. I am truly grateful to you all.

            This sets the stage for some delays in our business however we are pursuing our plans. It is necessary to delay our finalization of the elections and announcements of our Hall of Fame Honorees and the Person of the year to our April meeting. The officers have met and will meet as often as it takes in the future to effectively achieve the proper standings and results on a fair and equitable platform. We must alert you that the rules are still in effect as previously set. The deadline has occurred. The nominations are in. You will be given all of the information you will need and a ballot prior to the April Meeting however the tally will take place in that meeting. Only members in good standing will be authorized to vote. We have a current membership roster so only those votes will be counted.

            Looks like Joe Mesi terminated George ÒThe TerminatorÓ Linberger via a KO at the 1:55 mark of the first round. The bout was televised and took place on Feb.22, 2007 at the Mountaineer Race Track and Gaming Resort Chester, West Virginia. This was a scheduled ten rounder. The ÒTerminatorÕsÓ record was 29-8-1 with 25KOs. This victory took Joe Mesi to 34-0. Great to see Joe on his way again. Keep up the good work ÒChampÓ. Also on March 19th SalvatoreÕs Italian Gardens is having a St JosephÕs Table and Joe will be there. For more info contact the Restaurant at (716) 683-7990.

            Thanks to Don Patterson and the and the efforts and cooperation of all those involved; we will be once again hosting the regional of the New York state Golden Gloves tournament on two successive Fridays. The dates are Fri. March 23rd and Fri. March 30. Don is working hard to put on a successful program and as all tournaments and shows go, they need our support. I am also happy to say that I am medically cleared to attend this function and am looking forward to participating. The necessary information is attached, so if you have any further questions please contact him or you can reach me at (716) 856-9365. You can also get info on the

            The Lackawanna Boxing club will be having a fund raiser at the VFW Post on South Park Ave on Sunday May 6th 2007. This will be a very entertaining evening and I will have more information in the future. Roy Brasch is attempting to raise funds to sponsor the club and there is a strong need. They will be having all types of raffles and many festive events. Anyone wanting to help out in any way can reach Roy at the Gym Monday thru Fri between 500pm and 700pm at (716) 823-4195.

            Finally in conclusion we are looking forward to another great and productive year. The officers are hard at work on being creative and establishing firm guidelines with which to maintain the high standards that we are setting in the sports community. A large portion of this last executive meeting was spent on discussing ideas and methods that were introduced by this management team that can only improve the effectiveness of the organization as a whole. Bob Caico, Jim Brown, Jerry Collins and Joe Cardina actually introduced more steps that they felt necessary to be taken to improve the club and volunteered to take responsibility for providing the services necessary to maintain them. This is in addition to Angelo Prospero who keeps us in tune on a national and international level. As always I am proud of you and see you soon and most of all

            ÒKeep PunchinÓ                                  Sincerely Yours



                                                                           Jack Green
