Dear Member
The next meeting is on Wednesday November 9th 2005 at 700pm. The location is
AVE. (corner of Tacoma)
(716) 876-5549
Members present at OctoberÕs meeting
Sam Butera Ed Butera Tom Stenhouse Jim Len
Dick Wipperman Charles Ferraro John Rovnak Bo Bilicki
Bob Caico Danny Gant Mark Irwin Vince Cala
John Christiano Jerry Collins Jack Green
We also had a Special Guest; Danny GantÕs mom, affectionately known as
Auntie Evy. She truly had a great time with the guys.
First item of business to discuss on the agenda is whether to take a seasonal break and cancel our December meeting or maintain the continuity of the meetings and stay with the flow of energy, exhibited by our monthly gatherings. Also be prepared to discuss our purchasing of a ring and utilizing it to help relieve some of the pressures on our clubs.
It is very stressful for me to report to you all that Sam ButeraÕs health is deteriorating and he is very physically challenged. Please keep him as well as all of our brothers who are on our sick list in our thoughts and prayers. Their families need them;
We need them and the world needs them. ÒThese are great menÓ. Forgive me, but I had to include this in the early portion of this newsletter for me! I seriously cannot attempt to paint a rosy picture of anything while holding this in and saving it to report towards the end of this letter.
Quality boxing shows are being scheduled on a regular basis and each and every one has tremendous potential. I will re include a flyer on LackawannaÕs promotion of Amateur Boxing No. 2. Although I take great personal pride in being a part of all the shows; this one does have a tremendous personal and loving family significance for me.
The respected members and leaders of my family have decided to gather and attend this show to experience me in my Ring announcing assignment. I can only say that I am proud to represent the Boxing community as President of Ring 44 and I am very happy to be of service to my organization as Ring announcer but if you are willing, please join me and see what motivates me to the high levels of the gratifying sense of who I am and where I come from. Ticket information is included in the flyer.
On December 10th the Casals will have a show at Niagara Catholic High School.
Also, Dec 17-18 Don Patterson is presenting The USA Championship Trials at the
Ismailia Shriner Center at 1600 Southwestern Boulevard. For any information on tickets and such please call me at (716) 856-9365. I will field any questions until such time that we have more information. There is also a pro card coming up on Dec. 10 at Turning Stone. Those of you with computers can get the information from
And find Bob CaicoÕs article on it. Or you can wait for the next edition of Sports and Leisure and catch up on it there in BobÕs monthly column.
Baby Joe Mesi is staying active in the boxing scene as well as in the community. He is still receiving his well deserved recognition for his intense participation in charitable promotions. However he is also expanding his interests in the business field. I am including a very important announcement involving one of his new endeavors. It is self explanatory but I will be glad to answer any questions. I am also including a follow up report on his receiving the highest accolades from the Italian American Community.
This information can also be obtained on their website.
We were recently approached by a young lady named Evelyn Padilla-Rodriguez.
She is Pancho PadillaÕs daughter. Many of us know him and know what a great guy he is. I still break out laughing at the sound of his name. I am looking forward to meeting her. In the meantime she is trying to get a scrap book together for him and would like our help. I have already notified some of our main guys but if anyone has pictures that we can duplicate or news clippings that might have PanchoÕs name in them please notify me.
Remember you may have articles keying on someone else and PanchoÕs name might be included in a byline. This also puts pressure on me to follow up with our plan to approach the PAL authorities and get involved in retrieving our Museum publishings.
Ladies and Gentlemen as always it is a real pleasure to be a member of the team. And once again it will be a tremendous honor to introduce you to my Mom and my many relatives who are planning to be at the boxing show on Saturday the twelfth.
Looking forward to seeing you soon and ÒKeep PunchingÓ.
Sincerely Yours
Jack Green