DBS Poems


My DBS was not so bad,

I missed the whole darn thing,

They say amnesia let me block it out;

Yes, the results are wonderful,

No longer in that chair,

I am up, I am walking, I can trot about!




My neurosurgeon promised

    Dyskinesia would be gone

Oh, he was right, itÕs almost gone away.

Gone the contorting body parts,

    I can be perfectly still,

Gone all that bob and weave,   that swing

            and  sway. 




             Winter Scene      


   Evergreens enrobed in ermine,


        Glorious winter sight!


   Bare tree branches frosted,

WeÕre With You


         Icing of the softest white.


   Tracks crisscrossing backyard snow,


        Visitors in the night,


    Brilliant beauty underscored,

        Bathing all in morning light. 







              A PD Limerick


Having PD makes you freeze.

ItÕs not like a cold that makes you sneeze.

   Freezing makes you stop in your tracks.

   Now Š hear me ŠthatÕs the facts!

Freezing can put you down on your knees.





Life is like a Roller Coaster




Life is like a roller coaster.

ItÕs always a different thrill each day

For itÕs never the same ride for all.

Sometimes itÕs up,

Sometimes itÕs down.

Twisting and turning

Through thick and thin,

Up and down,

Which way will it go?

People scream, people shout,

Others cry, others laugh.

No matter how hard

This ride seems to be,

You just gotta get through it.

Just have faith in yourself!

If you follow the track,

For it will take you home.

Life is like a roller coaster,

ItÕs the best ride there is.


                                   Stepfanie McCaffrey



My dear friend, Parkie,

We recognize these ŅOFFÓ times

That you are going through.

It hurts us to see you suffer.

WeÕre not sure what to do.

So we say, ÓStand bravely.

Keep your chin up

Until youÕre ŅONÓ once more.

Your support group stands beside you

Just as it has before.

                        Ed McCaffrey     10/14/00


Happy New Year!!